Sunday, January 1, 2012

Possession: The Movie

 Disclaimer: I fully understand that movies aren't books and movies have to make money and I will try to limit any 'but the book was better' stuff.

While I did enjoy watching the movie as its own thing, I stand by my opinion that Gwynneth and Eckhart were badly cast, him more so than her. Part of why I think she was badly cast is probably my personal dislike for her, and that's not entirely fair, but I do think it would be better to have cast someone actually English. Even though Lena Headey was a great Blanche I think she could have also been a spot on Maude. I'm really glad that with the casting on Eckhart they made the character American although I think my ideal casting would have been Ben Chaplin. He's who I pictured when I was reading the book.

The Victorian half of the plot was done really well. Like I said I thought Blanche was well-cast and I think this was my introduction to Jennifer Ehle, who was fantastic as Christabel. I really need to get on top of watching the BBC Pride and Prejudice. Also I could basically just stare at Jeremy Northam in period costumes all day and be perfectly happy. He was perhaps a little better looking and warmer than I had pictured Ash being but I think that's an ok concession for the movie version to make; worth noting but not worth complaining about.

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