Sunday, February 8, 2009

Random Grammy Thoughts

  • Why did Kanye start out American Boy and why did Estelle come out after he started?* They made it seem like it was his song that featured her when it was really the other way around. SO WRONG!
  • Of those nominated, I'm glad Adele won best new artist. I'm not the biggest fan but I think slightly watered down Winehouse should beat blonde, whiny, Winehouse copycat.
  • Why did M.I.A. not get to perform her whole song alone? I think I've heard more of her music while watching the BAFTAs. She's awesome, she's super pregnant, her song was everywhere, she should get her own spot. It's nice to get lots of different people together at big events sometimes but I really wish she'd performed solo. Maybe she was offered a solo spot but said she'd rather do a group performance, but I kind of doubt it. Her performance was the only reason I was watching. At least it wasn't too far into the show so I could switch to the aforementioned BAFTAs.
  • I was visiting my grandmother when Katy Perry came on. My grandmother's awesome reaction to Katy Perry: "Asshole."
Well that's pretty much all the thought that the Grammy's inspired. I don't usually watch but like I said I wanted to see M.I.A. At least A.R. Rahman won a BAFTA for his music from Slumdog Millionaire so someone good got an award for their music tonight.
Also, one random BAFTA thought: Is every presenter going to say "a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude"? It's getting so old I almost feel bad recreating it in print here.

*Ok, I do know why but it still pisses me off...

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